Paras Daryanani |
Currently we need to select either company name or contact name on the invoice. There should be a third option that shows both, as follows:
John Snow
Game of Thrones LLC
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Status changed to: Live
Status changed to: In progress
Michael Marceau
Hello, If it was possible to override some of the details in the billing info part that would be very useful...
Feature is also very usefull for my business!
Vishal Mehta
This needs to be there... I also want individual or company address in here including mailing address, email ID, contact no. I see no reason why client/contact dynamic data fields cannot be added or included in Bill to section or even other sections of the invoice - this will give greater flexibility.
100% - I've personally asked for this to support several times, glad to see it finally making it to the PLANNED Stage.
BUT it needs to be on the FORMS TOO! Please... ;)
Status changed to: Planned
Michael Briggs
This would be great!!