Custom Invite email Templates

  • Live


We can create different email templates and use these for different client circles.


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Status changed to: Live



There is now an option that can accomplish this.
1. We now offer the ability to customize the Portal Access Invitation uniquely for each Kickoff Form.
2. We also have an easy Staff Submit option for Kickoff Forms.
3. You could create a dedicated Kickoff Form for each version of invite that you need, customize the email welcome (Portal Access Invitation) as needed on each of those Kickoff Forms, and then use the Staff Submit option (if needed) to enter the contact's info and submit the Form.
4. Added bonus is that you can trigger any number of other Automations as a part of each unique Kickoff Form.

This works for your use case?



Hi Harry, good suggestion, but there is a logical issue.
What should we do if the Contact is added to more than 1 Circle during onboarding (this is possible).
1. We would need to change the structure a bit to designate a Primary Circle (which I think would really confuse the general population)
2. We would need some sort of priority order setup
or what I think the solution can be...
3. If more than one Circle is selected, we show an additional single-selection drop menu with label "Which Circle should be used to designate the Welcome Email?"



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Alisha Adams

I think the idea of having a dropdown where you can select the email template to use is a great option. I'm all about hyper-customized messaging to clients, and if I have one client that's onboarding for business coaching and one I'm onboarding for leadership coaching, my messaging will likely be different for each of those.

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I'd be okay with either primary circle OR a drop-down. I'd also suggest having similar for portal pages. People might want a different welcome page for different circles, but as you say, the circles might overlap. I think option 3 works great.