Marketing Emails Link Tracking & Automation


It would be nice to be able to have a history of the email sent from within Suite Dash, and be able to track when a lead, prospect or client clicks on a link within that email.

EDITED by Mike: We now have Email Logs to see what transactional emails were sent, but I believe the intention of this request is more related to Marketing.

IMPLIED FUNCTIONALITY: Ability to send Marketing emails to an Audience, and then be able to track the opens and links down to the Subscriber/Contact level & be able to see if an individual Subscriber/Contact opened and/or clicked on links in the email. In addition, the Admin should have the ability to designate Actions to be triggered based on the Open or on a specific Click Event.

Actions to be supplied by the Trigger/Action widget.


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Warriorz Life

Given today's state of marketing and the necessity for granular/personal actions, if there was one feature that you would assume a robust platform like Suitedash would have, it would be this one! Fingers crossed it comes soon!

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David Macauley

YES! We NEED this.

This is about more than the ability to track a single type of communication. It's about being able to quickly see ALL of the communications that a contact may have received in a quick and simple way. We need a 360 degree view of our client communication so we know exactly what we have or haven't sent to someone.

The current email logs are great for transaction emails but I don't understand why there isn't an option on to go into a contact record, check the email log, and toggle back and forth between multiple forms of email communication including:
- transactional emails,
- marketing emails (from campaigns or drips) and their response (email opened or not, links clicked or not, etc)
- individual messages sent through SuiteDash's messaging or ticketing system
- Individual emails sent by our team that we want logged in the CRM (similar to HubSpots BCC or email forwarding function)

Having a filter that would allow us to select and see one, two, or all of these communications types in a single place is crucial.

It is reasonable for a customer to expect my team to know what communications we've sent out and what we haven't regardless of what kind of communication it may be. The CRM should make it possible to satisfy that expectation.

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Its a must for my business. Once we know who has not opened or clicked the links further action/nurturing can be done

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Frederic Theriault

In marketing: We need to know who opens our marketing emails within our lists, and be able to segment our lists based on behaviour. It would be nice to be albe to send emails only to folks who did not open or only to folks who clicked. It would be nice to automatically tag customers who click on a given link.

In CRM - It would be key to be able to forward some emails into the system and have them associated to the client or company card. So that my future sales reps are able to see some of the key Email communications that happened with a given client.


Logan H

Do we have any update on this? It would be a game changing for me to know who clicked exactly what link!


Nicola Hunter

Every marketing tool needs to see who opens and clicks, numbers are absolutely not enough information to create any form of follow up and merely encourage bulk sending which is not looked on kindly by most servers!


Arlene Washburn

We need this feature so badly so we can track who opens the email campaigns and who clicks on our links.🙏

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Claudia Molina

I would also like to see the "preview" field that is added to marketing emails (it is like the subtitle of the email), this is missing in SuiteDash.

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Isaac A.

Excited for this one! This will be a huge help!



Status changed to: Planned



Hi Mike, yes this is exactly what I was suggesting, so is this something I can look forward to in the near future?



Hi Dr. Angela,
We're laying the groundwork for this now, yes.
Think Q1 2020.



You mean 2022 right 😀


Josh Orion

I'd like to suggest a metric math tweak for this, if it's in dev, because CTR math is really unfair and wrong.

CTR is often measured as Clicked ÷ Total Recipients, leading to marketers believing they need to "push harder" or are bad at their job.

True CTR should be measured as Unique Recipients that Clicked ÷ Unique Recipients that Opened

Rationale & argument: www.klipfolio.com/blog/click-through-rate-wrong



Hi all, I've modified this one to reflect what I think is the true intention. Any comments are welcome, thanks!

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Brian L.

The tracking of marketing emails is definitely a key feature, but having the ability to compose in SuiteDash and track those emails too is very important. Hopefully that’s within scope of the feature request :). Thanks for the great work and excellent platform!


Orin Safko

This sounds right to me Mike. Similar to what Mailchimp offers with open tracking: mailchimp.com/help/about-open-tracking/



Yes, exactly Orin, but I also envision the ability to trigger specified Actions in response to an open or a specific link click.

You would be able to specify... WHEN a recipient opens the email THEN execute these Actions (add/remove Circle, Add to Audience X, send a notification email to Staff Y, etc... )

Depending on the use case, it could be quite powerful to have an Automation react to an open or link click. So, not only could you have an automated segmentation of the Audience, but also you could automatically trigger the next action step.

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Loulu Lima

@Mike so are you suggesting this could be a drip campaign of sorts? If so, you make this gal VERY HAPPY!



Hi Loulu,
We already have Drip Campaigns ... we call them Autoresponders. What I'm suggesting here, would be an enhancement to that functionality.
Happy is good :)


Loulu Lima

But I can't use custom fields like when someone's passport is expiring - unless I'm missing something?



That's a bit different. That would be an email that would be triggered by a Logic Engine. This is also planned, and in your case, the Logic Engine would trigger an Email Cannon... Email Cannons is a new feature which is now released and was just announced today :)

The Logic Engine side of that equation is slated for development soon, and will come on the heels of Conditional Forms logic which is currently in testing and should be released to Live in less than 2 weeks.

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Loulu Lima

Would love enhanced email marketing features

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