BKA Accounting |
Inbound & Outbound email integration with Gmail, MSExchange, etc. and have the ability to:
- create tasks and projects from emails
- add eamils to existing tasks and projects
- store all emails to client's profile
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Matt W
Merged with: Email for each client
I would like to email documents and reports to suitedash specific to a client and have it load the email or attachment to their document section. Example, we currently email financial reports to clients every month but it would be great if i could email it to suitedash instead and it would just load to their folder. Currently we would have to download the reports x2, then upload them to suite dash versus just emailing them straight from quickbooks.
David Macauley
Yes please!
I also posted about this on another thread related to emails & the ability to see client facing communications located at the link below:
this is a must and life will be so easy if this gets implemented. However, I see the status has been showing IN PROGRESS for the past 2 years. Any latest update please
Vernita Kruger
Currently, I use Asana. It is as easy as forwarding and email to a specific project to create a task. Can't do without it!
David Macauley
Would love to see something like HubSpots bcc function here where users can choose to BCC HubSpot on a client or prospect communication and see a copy logged under the client's contact record as well as any open deals in the pipeline.
Steve Murphy
Can't happen too soon!
Inbound and outbound email integration for titan mail users would be greatly appreciated, including all the abilities stated in BKA Accountings vote.
Menno van Leewen
I am investigating SuiteDash at the moment. We use clickup for this now. Works great. Our workday concentrates for 70% on handeling incoming and outgoing email related to tasks (project and in general).
Lloyd Harris
Given all of the features of the platform, I'm actually surprised that this isn't already a feature. Definitely would be good to have.
Katz Green
Yes Please!
Larisa Golovko
Would be very helpful indeed! I used 17hats.com for 5+ years and it is linked with my gmail - shows all emails under a particular contact/project. There are many pluses to SD vs 17hats - stronger CRM and Project/Team management, but this feature was better in 17hats
Angela Garza
This is so important for us. We need to be able to go into a contact record and see all email and sms conversations between us and our clients.
Claudia Molina
That would be awesome!
I'm excited to see this is in progress as it is a nonstarter for us when considering introducing our clients to a portal. I am building out our CRM and other features and excited for everything that is coming!
That sounds wonderful, I would enjoy it if the messaging portion of the system allowed you to send emails to clients after they are added so we can help keep all communication in one place.
Tina Dettlaff
This would be a complete must for us as well. Glad it is in progress and looking forward to ETA.
Status changed to: In progress
Matthew Sheeks
This is a big deal/must do! IMAP integration would be perfect.
Brian L.
This would be very big for us. To include the ability to compose emails within SD, and create email templates within SD the staff can select from to support standardized communications. This would go a very long way in helping us transition off of PipeDrive.
Status changed to: Planned
Loulu Lima
I so need this!