Option to include file as an email attachment

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Ability for a client to download an uploaded file straight from the email notification. Including a security disclaimer would be recommended, but for attachments that don't contain sensitive information, this would save the client time and won't require login to download.


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Hello, so how do we do this when a client submits a form? How can we receive the email as an attachment?

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Status changed to: Live


Ronald Gonzalez

Hey Mike, I would love to have the system send the client a link or file after payment is processed. The file could be a link or be emailed with the payment receipt to make it easier for the client to download.


Corks Critter Care Home & Pet Sitting Services

I would like to see you have available exactly what Garrett said :) ..."Ability for a client to download an uploaded file straight from the email notification. Including a security disclaimer would be recommended, but for attachments that don't contain sensitive information, this would save the client time and won't require login to download"



Aside from the benefits the folders provide, there's also a need to be able to include attachments within the MESSAGING email system for instances that are separate from options where file attachments currently exist, while maintaining continuity - and security.



Hi, yes attachments in Messaging is OTW.

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Matt Hart

I currently need it primarily for shared project files but it would be ideal to have it available for files uploaded anywhere. For that matter I think all notification should have to ability to link to the particular item they are notifying you about. Ie new proposal, new task, ect


Matt Hart

I would like the notification email sent when you upload a file to include a link to the exact file, and not just a login link. This would save my clients a lot of time and frustration searching for the file



File Attachment is currently available in Estimates, Invoices, Proposals, Documents, Work Requests, Email Marketing Campaigns, Drip Sequences & Email Cannons.

But, this request seems to be related more to when you are uploading files in the Files module.

Please help us clarify EXACTLY where and in what scenarios you want to see the File(s) attached/linked in the email notification sent to the end user.

Please be specific because we are preparing to deliver this feature. We want to make what you ask for!

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Loulu Lima

For me specifically : When the form is completed and a copy is sent to the user and client as a recap of what was entered. Having the files sent to staff users helps as not all the files like HEIC can be viewed from SD.


Ronald Gonzalez

Hey Mike, would love to see the system email the file with an email.

My ask souks be could there be a way to only send a file after the client pays the invoice? Them you



Hi Mike,

Currently attachments can be added to an invoice, but not to On-Demand Invoice Generators. The result: Flow's can be fully automated (incl. attachements to proposals) but the attachment for an invoice should be done manually. Is adding attachements to On-Demand Invoice Generators something (you have planned) to develope the near future?

Looking forward to your response!


Alexis Leza

We need this please, any ETA ?



Status changed to: In progress



Status changed to: Planned