Quick Invite Link

  • Live

Charles Collins

It would be great to have a link to do a "quick invite" instead of having a prospect go to a website to fill out an intake form and then reply to the onboarding email. Something we could email or text to them. If there was a way for on our end, to just use their email or phone number to send them the invite to go directly to onboarding (same as having to enter CRM manually and send invite), it would be great when we are in-person meeting them possibly for the first time.


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Hi Charles, you can do this now with a Kickoff Form. Just make the Kickoff Form super basic with First Name, Last Name and Email Address, then go to "Embed Settings" and make a Friendly URL that you can remember easily. Then you can just send that link to anyone at anytime - the link will never change - and they just enter 3 data points, confirm their email (this step is mandatory) and they're in.

Plus you get the added bonus of being able to completely control their experience based on the way you configure the Kickoff Form.

Or, if you have other ideas, let us know... but, keep in mind that we MUST send them an email with a link that lets them click and confirm their email address.

The other option is that you can use the link yourself in the face to face meeting and just enter their information yourself. That way, the only thing they have to do is receive the email link (which you triggered) and click it to set a password... and they're in!