Orin Safko |
At this time, SuiteDash does not give us the ability to control which email notifications are turned on and off. We have the ability to control some, but not all. For instance, at this time if a contact is created in SuiteDash via Zapier we receive a "New User Registered" email every time. We do not want to receive this email when this happens. But there is no way to turn it off.
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Our business needs control over the automated email templates that go out. We don't always want these to go out and we should have control over the communications for our business. Please allow control of automated email templates.
Yes, please give us the ability to consolidate task notifications into a single email when a project task list is created from a template. Flooding a client's inbox is not a good first impression lol.
I believe you can set notifications for new contacts and also include a daily digest for them. I could be wrong, I'm new to the system, but you might find that helpful.
Marie Lewis
this would be a great feature!
Tyler Suchman
Upvoted - looking for this control on Proposal Acceptance in particular.
Tyler Suchman
This would be a very helpful feature. For instance, the notifications around completing a Proposal and being converted to a Client could use more control.
Courtney Staggs
Yes!! I don't want my clients getting 10 email & once because a project assigns then tasks. They should get 1 notification when they sign in that they have new tasks but not an email for each task all at once.
Yes, this please!